Les nouvelles sont encourageantes, les gens commencent à voir les dangers que représentent les manipulations de Monsanto et se mobilisent vraiment pour les arrêter !
Nous ne voulons plus être des rats !Avez-vous entendu parler des 828 scientifiques éminents qui se sont réunis et ont exigé l’arrêt de la production de cultures et de produits génétiquement modifiés ?
Les scientifiques qui ont appelé les puissances mondiales à réévaluer l’avenir de l’agriculture et de rechercher la durabilité plutôt que les profits des entreprises ?
Ne soyez pas surpris si vous n’en avez pas entendu parlé dans les médias traditionnels !
Plus de huit cents scientifiques font celle demande.
Cela fait une décennie qu’ils mettent à jour cette pétition au fil des ans, en ajoutant de nouvelles signatures.
Toujours est-il que toutes les puissances mondiales ont toujours ignoré leurs appels.L’Institut de la Science dans la société est un groupe à but non lucratif de scientifiques du monde entier, qui se consacre à mettre un terme à ce qu’ils appellent l’expérience de « dangereux OGM ». Dans leur lettre ouverte sur le monde, ils ont mis en évidence pourquoi les gouvernements doivent cesser de cultures génétiquement modifiées maintenant – avant qu’il n’y ait des effets irréversibles sur la santé de la population et la santé de la terre en général.La lettre O du Monde scientifique appelle à tous les gouvernements à « la suspension immédiate de toutes les pollutions dans l’environnement par des cultures et des produits OGM, commercialement et dans des essais de plein champ, pour au moins 5 ans. »
Ils veulent également que les brevets sur les organismes, les lignées cellulaires et les organismes vivants soient annulés et interdits.
Ces brevets (une sorte de version d’entreprise de « jouer à Dieu ») entraînent une menace sur la sécurité alimentaire, font de la biopiraterie sur les connaissances indigènes et les ressources génétiques, violent les droits fondamentaux de l’homme et la dignité, compromettent la santé, entravent la recherche médicale et scientifique et détruisent le bien-être des animaux.C’est une mauvaise nouvelle pour Monsanto que suite à la décision récente de la Cour suprême, ils ont un « droit » sur la vie du brevet.Les scientifiques s’expriment et s’opposent :Au début, après sa première version en 1999, cette pétition a eu un peu plus de 300 signatures.
Depuis lors, elle s’est développée de manière significative.
A la rédaction de cet article, le document comporte 828 signatures représentant 84 pays différents.Monsanto et la FDA disent qu’on a rien à craindre des OGM car il y a des protocoles sécurisés pour l’avenir de l’agriculture, mais un nombre croissant de scientifiques éminents semblent être en désaccord.Alors, qui est prêt à les entendre ?La pétition a été présenté à de nombreux gouvernements et organismes, y compris la Commission des Nations Unies sur le développement durable, la Convention des Nations Unies sur la diversité biologique, l’Organisation mondiale du commerce, et oui, même le Congrès américain.Cette pétition est partagée sur de nombreux sites, mais cela ne semble pas devoir faire bouger les choses !Nous devons continuer et persévérer à transmettre ce genre d’information.Nous devons rechercher les médias qui sont disposés à parler de cette pétition, parce que nous n’allons pas en entendre parler sur les infos du soir ou par une agence gouvernementale.Non, le gouvernement américain veut que vous ayez peur du terrorisme et la criminalité, par exemple, mais ils ne veulent certainement pas que vous ayez des doutes sur la nourriture qu’ils mettent sur votre table, ou des OGM qu’ils financent avec vos impôts.
Source : http://2012thebigpicture.wordpress.com/Traduction : FilibertReproduction autorisée en indiquant nos coordonnéesLe Grand Changement : http://changera.blogspot.fr/
La grande difficulté parfois, c’est de retrouver l’information incontestable, c’est à dire ici la liste de tous les signataires. Voici donc la liste en intégralité:
1 Dr. Dennis Smith poopy den s Afghanistan
2 Prof.em Calum Wright M.Phil i am a expert on the study of life none Afghanistan
3 Prof. Polycap Dank B.Sc science polycap research institute Angola
4 Prof. Adolfo E. Boy Horticulture and Sustainable Agri. Univ. Moron Chair of Inst. of Sustainble Agriculture Argentina
5 Alfredo Galli Agronomist Groupo de Reflexion Rural Argentina
6 Dr. Jorge Kaczewer M.D MD complementary medicines cientific journalism author of the book in spanish language Transgenic Risks for Human Health ECOMEDICOS Argentina
7 Jorge Eduardo Roulli Ecologist Groupo de Reflexion Rural Argentina
8 Damien Beaumont B.Sc Postgraduate student at the University of New England Armidale Australia
9 Peter Belbin B.Sc Land Management Consultant Tafe Australia
10 Dr. Graeme E. Browne General Practitioner Melbourne PSRAST Australia
11 Dr. Judy A. Carman Epidemiologist Flanders University Adelaide Australia
12 Dr. Catherine Clinch-Jones General Practitioner Adelaide Australia
13 Mr Sid Cowling B.Sc Environmental Biology Consultant Australia
14 Dr. Philip A. Davies Geneticist Adelaide Australia
15 Rocco Di Vincenzo M.Sc Chief Dietitian Swinburne University Hospital Australia
16 Prof. Horst W. Doelle Micobiologist Univ. Queensland retired Chair of International Organisation for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Director MIRCEN-Biotechnology Brisbance and Pacific Regional Network Australia
17 Dr. Lynette J. Dumble Medical Scientist Women’s Health and Environment University of Melbourne Australia
18 Doug N Everingham Physician MB BS Univ Syd 1946 Ex MPs Association Australia
19 Angela Fehringer Anthropology Student Sydney Australia
20 Prof. Frank G.H.P. Fisher Graduate School of Environmental Science Clayton Australia
21 Kasia E. Gabrys Environmental Scientist Environmental Science National Trust of Australia Melbourne Australia
22 Prof. Adrian Gibbs Ph.D Virologist retired Australia
23 Dr. Dion Giles Ph.D Analytical chemistry organic chemistry chemical education Stop MAI (WA) Australia
24 Stephen Glanville PDC ECOS Design Australia
25 Dr. Veronica R. Griffin Consultant Nutrition and Environmental Medicine Cairns Australia
26 Vince Halpin B.Sc Acupuncturist Herbalist Pharmacist Australia
27 Dr. Richard Hindmarsh Environmental Social Scientist Univ. Queensland Australia
28 Margaret Jackson B.Sc. Genetics National Genetics Awareness Alliance Australia
29 Dr. Warren Kinne Ph.D Philosopher theologian Society of St Columban Australia
30 Steven Kiss B.Sc Biological/ Organic Farm Manager broad acre crops sheep cattle medicinal herbs Australia
31 Dr. Elmar Klucis Ph.D Biochenistry Biology Retired Australia
32 Keith Loveridge B.Sc Bachelor Environmental Soc Sci RMIT University Croydon Conservation Society Australia
33 Lisa McDonald Agronomist CRC for Sustainable Sugar Production James Cook University Australia
34 Michelle Mclaren Bach Nutrition and Dietetics Australia
35 Dr. Peter J. McMachon Plant Physiologist Genethics Australia Conservation Foundation Australia
36 Elham Monavari B.Sc Bsc Maj Biology Masters in Env. Managemment Student Cities for Climate Protection Project Officer Australia
37 Dr. Angela Morris Ph.D Root nodule development Research School of Biological Sciences ANU Australia
38 Dr. Paul Nelson CSIRO Land and Water PMB Australia
39 Tim Osborn Web Development Australia
40 Dr. Sharron L. Pfueller Biochemistry/Environmental Studies School of Geography and Environmental Sciene Monash University Melbourne Australia
41 Katrina E. Preski Environmental Science Monash University Melbourne Australia
42 Dr. Peter Renowden Strategic Planner Melbourne Australia
43 Sandra Russo Principal of College As a Homoeopath I lecture have a private clinic and mentor students of Homoeopathy Adelaide Training College of Complementary Medicin Australia
44 Frank Samson B.Sc R & D Project Manager (Physics) Sola International Holdings Australia
45 Glenn Sorensen B.Sc Natural Products Chemist/Phytochemist Jurlique Australia
46 Dr. Rosemary Stanton Ph.D Nutritionist Australia
47 Dr. Maarten Stapper Ph.D Farming Systems Agronomist Australia
48 Michelle Starr Ph.D student Natural Therapist none Australia
49 Dr Corinna-Britta Steeb Ph.D Pathophysiology Medical Sceinces Nutrition Klein Research Institute Australia
50 Dr. Ted Steele Molecular Immunologist U. Wollengong Australia
51 Dr. Philip Stowell M.D GP working in Nutritional and Environmental Medicine n a Australia
52 DI Gertrude Kaffenbock Ph.D student Ph.D. candidate Agricultural Economist St. Polton Austria
53 Thomas Klemm Psychologist Konrad Lorenz Institute Austria
54 Dr. Maria G. Neunteufel Economist Vienna Austria
56 Muhammed Saiful Islam M.Sc Entomologist DAE Bangladesh
57 Golam Kibria M.Phil EcologyCultureBiodiversity UBINIG Bangladesh
58 Zakir Kibria M.Phil Ecology Biodiversity Culture BanglaPraxis Bangladesh
59 Dr Farhad Mazhar Ecologist New Agricultural Movement Bangladesh
60 Dhirendra Panda Ph.D student MOBILISATION AND ACTIVISM the collective Bangladesh
61 De Beer Daniel M.Sc Lawyer Lawyers Without Borders and Vrij university Brusse Belgium
62 Dr. Gaëtan du Bus Forest Engineer Univ. Catholique de Louvain INRA Belgium
63 Verstraeten Guy B.Eng have an engineering eductation in biochemistry education I have ethical objections to do work in most of the current industries and research Belgium
64 Pablo Servigne Ph.D agronomist engineer PhD in Biology ULB Belgium
65 Dr. Michel Somville Ph.D GMO s Health environmental risks GREENS EFA group in the European parliament Belgium
66 Els Torreele Ph.D student biotechnology Vrije Universiteit Brussels Belgium
67 Flavia Camargo De Oliveira Biologist UFPR Brazil
68 Prof. MOHAMED HABIB Ph.D 39 years of research experience Biological Control and Agro Ecolgy University of Campinas Brazil
69 Prof. Antonio Carlos Junqueira Do Val Filho B.Sc Engineer Agronomist CDA Brazil
70 Samuel MacDowell Ph.D Plant Molecular Biology IBAMA Brazil
71 Paulo Roberto Martins Research Institute of Technology Brazil
72 Dr. Leovegildo Matos Ph.D Animal nutritionist Research Embrapa Brazil
73 Renata Menasche Anthropologist Federal Un. of Rio Grande do Sul Brazil
74 Prof. Luís César Nunes B.Sc Education PCRJ Brazil
75 Ventura Eduardo Souza Barbeiro Engineer agronomist ABRAMA Brasilian association of Enviroment Brazil
76 Franco Werlagn M.Sc Business Administration GaiaVillage Project Brazil
77 Dr. Stefan Panaiotov Ph.D molecular microbiology National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseas Bulgaria
78 Dr Thomas R. Preston Un. of Tropical Agriculture Cambodia
79 Prof. Lonnie Aarssen Ph.D Ecologist Queen s University Canada
80 Prof. Paul Antze Ph.D medical anthropology Canada
81 Dr. Sandra Awang Ph.D Sociologist/Writer on biodiversity biodemocracy and food security Canada
82 Prof.em Henry Becker Ph.D 7 years in applied biology 35 years teaching research in chemical engineering currently writing book on nutrition health disease Queen s University Canada
83 Dr Warren Bell MD Canad. Assoc. of Physicians for the Environ. Canada
84 Prof. emeritus Alfred M. Braxton Anthropologist Univ. British Columbia Canada
85 John A Brown watchdog on growing power of corporacy in our world and the world s governments lack of will stop it Education Canada
86 Denis Cauchon M.Sc. Ph.D. candidate Toxicology Ecole HEC Montreal Canada
87 Dr. Samit Chakrabarty Ph.D Systems Neurophysiologist Canada
88 Yoon C. Chen B.Sc. DPM Podiatrist Foot Clinic Lethbridge Alberta Canada
89 Bert R. Christie Plant Breeding Research Scientist Agriculture and AgriFood Canada Charlotte Town Canada
90 Dr. E.Ann Clark Ph.D crop physiologist Plant Agriculture University of Guelph Canada
91 Una Coghlan nterested in securing a healthy food chain Voice of Women Canada
92 Prof. Alain Cuerrier Taxonomy/Botany Quebec Univ. of Montreal Canada
93 Prof. Joe Cummins Geneticist University of Western Ontario Canada
94 Prof. Edwin E. Daniel FRSC Health Science McMaster Univ. Ontario Canada
95 Prof. Dennis Dennis poopy none Canada
96 Justin Duncan B.Sc Environmental biology law and policy Queen’s University Canada
97 Prof. Chavez Eduardo R Ph.D Animal nutrition production and mangement agricultural production systems McGill University Canada
98 Virginia F. Flamarique AMD Consultant Agrologist Edmonton Canada
99 Glenn Fletcher M.Sc Masters degree research in toxicology occupational health McMaster University Canada
100 Dr. Josh Gallant Ph.D surgery general Canada
101 Dr. Imme Gerke Ph.D Cell biologist BIOTEPP Canada
102 Julie Guenette M.Phil Philosophical enquiry into our relationship to nature Ottawa University Canada
103 Tanya Handa M.Sc. Ecologist Univ. Toronto Toronto Canada
104 Virginia Jacobsen organic growers Canada
105 Aaron Jette Anthrolopogy student McGill Univ. Montreal Canada
106 Prof. Leonard Kasdan Ph.D Social Anthropology and Resource and environmental studies Dalhousie University (retired) Canada
107 Dr. Gavin A. Kemp ret. Researcher Vegetable Crop Breeding Lethbridge Canada
108 Zorica Knezevic M.Sc Senior Consultant Environment Stantec Consulting Ltd Canada
109 Prof. Ronald Labonte Population Health Research Director Ontario Canada
110 William J. Lewis Linguist Univ. of Victoria British Columbia Canada
111 Prof. Abby Lippman Epidemologist & Geneticist McGill Un. Canada
112 Jan Martel B.Sc Student in biology University of Sherbrooke Canada
113 Prof. Ralph C. Martin Plant Science Nova Scotia Agricultural College Truro Canada
114 Prof. Dennis R. McCalla Biochemist & Geneticist emeritus McMaster University Hamilton Canada
115 Laura Mitchell Earth Scientist APEGBG Canada
116 Mary Mitchell teacher Canada
117 Dr. Anne Morgan Waterloo Climate Change Entomolgist/ Univ. of (retired) Canada
118 Dr. M. Murphy Pediatrician NAMBLA Canada
119 Dr. James A. Nero D.C. General Practitioner neuromusculoskeletal medicine Coquitlam Canada
120 Anna D. Noikov B.A.B.Ed. B.A.B.Ed. Wholistic Practitioner Edmonton Canada
121 Lise Norgren Concerned Consumer Canada
122 Prof. Ann Oaks Botany (retired) Univ. Guelph Canada
123 Steve Robak Canadian Department of National Defence Canada
124 Leslirae Rotor Economist consultant Ottawa Canada
125 Dr. Bassam Ismaeil Sam Ph.D Information Systems Ismaeil Consulting Canada
126 Vere Scott ecologist Canada
127 Dr. John Scull Psychologist University of Victoria Victoria Canada
128 Dr. Carolyn A. Simmerman ND.DC Docotr. Whole Health Centre Edmonton Canada
129 Prof. David Suzuki David Suzuki Foundation Geneticist U.B.C. Canada
130 Prof. Stephen Talmage Philospher (retired) Carleton University Ottawa Canada
131 Dr. Wee Chong Tan Ph.D 5 years of reaserch and several papers on sustainable farming and the dangers of GM foods Canadian College for Chinese Studies Canada
132 Mark Thompson Ph.D student Molecular Evolutionary Genetics The University of Calgary Canada
133 Noemi Tousignant M.Sc history of science technology and medicine Canada
134 Caroll Tranchant Ph.D Enseignant chercheur Sciences et technologies des aliments Canada
135 Dr. Pierre Turcotte Ph.D Plant breeder Canada
136 John B. Van Loon M.Sc. Storage Entomologist retired Canadian Grain Commission Winnipeg PSRAST Canada
137 Dr. Susan Walsh Ph.D Phd cultural anthropology Executive Director of NGO focussed on food security in the South USC Canada Canada
138 Roland Wilhelm B.Sc One who choses to think and take on problems that effect the environment Guelph Canada
139 Prof. R.M. Wolfson Physicist Maharishi Vedic College Ottawa Canada
140 Prof. Howard Woodhouse Ph.D Philosopher of Education and Co Director of Saskatchewan Process Philosophy Research Unit University of Saskatchewan Canada
141 Dr. John C. Worketin Retired computer scientist Ontario Canada
142 Werner Zimmermann interested informed and concerned citizen Canada
143 Tea Garcia-Huidobro M.Sc Biochemistry (B.Sc) and Environmental Technology (M.Sc) Chile
144 Diana Medel Studies on Anthropol Soc Soc Psy Member Anthroposophic Society Volunteer for Children sRights Garden s Constr Inv Med Plants Food Environm Stud ONG to supervise Children s Rights Chile
145 JUAN DU B.Eng civil Engineering Warwick U K China
146 Dr. Ye Hua over 20 000 pieces hand painted oil painting and picture frames in stock for sale at lowest prices http www art98 com China
147 Dr. Alexander Jablanczy General Practitioner Doctor’s Building Saulte Ste. Marie China
148 Dr. Jesse LiLing M.D Bioinformation Tsinghua University China
149 William Bingbin Lui Ph.D student I strongly support such an effort I think both National and International legal regimes should accept this open letter Law School Fudan Universitry Shanghai China
150 Elias Gomez Ph. D. student Dept. of Geology University of Cornell Colombia
151 Dr. Jaime E García González Ph.D Pesticides Organic Agriculture Universidad Estatal a Distancia UNED Costa Rica
152 Damjan Bogdanovic Ph. D. student Un Zagreb Croatia
153 Prof. Marijan Jost Plant Geneticist Agricultural College Krizevci Croatia
154 Damir Magdic Food Scientist Osijek Un Croatia
155 Dr. Zora Matrovic MD MD MS Vice-President Croatia Natural Law Party Croatia
156 Vesna Samobor M.Sc. Agricultural College Krizevci Croatia
157 Prof. Drasko Seman Ecologist Univ. Zagreb Medical School Croatian Man and Biosphere Committee UNESCO South Eastern Mediterranean Sea Project UNESCO Comm. Ed. & Communication INCN European Committee on Environmental Ed. IUCN Croatia
158 Prof Anton Svajger Un Zagreb Medical School Croatia
159 Prof. Valerije Vrcek Ph.D organic chemistry University of Zagreb Croatia
160 Dr. Vladimir Zajac Ph.D oncovirology genetics microbiology Cancer Research Institute Czechoslovakia
161 Henrik Westergaard Odense University Hospital Odense Denmark
162 Alexandra Almeida biochemist Accion Ecologica Ecuador
163 Dr. Elizabeth Bravo biologist Accion Ecologica Ecuador
164 Ziad Abdel Razak Aly Ph.D student Radar and Optic remote sensing images analysis applied on soil Université de Sherbrooke Qc Canada Egypt
165 Ziad Aly Ph.D student Soil survey and classification Optic and Radar Images Analysis CARTEL Université de Sherbrooke Qc Canada Egypt
166 Dr. Bahaa Awwad M.Sc oncology hematology bmt landguardians Egypt
167 Mahrous Kandil Ph.D student soil microbiology and concerning with Genetics Univ. of Minnesota (USA) Egypt
168 Ahmed Said Mohamed Kamel sweet corn Egypt
169 Dr. Mohamed Salem Ph.D Molecular Plant Pathology Biological Control Genetic Engineeering and Biotechnology Research In Egypt
170 Prof. Fathy Mahmoud Salem Ph.D Professor of Nematology Faculty Of Agriculture Shibin El Kom Minufiya Univ Egypt
171 Dr. Ehab Zayed Ph.D student tissue culture Breeding ARC FCRI CRD Egypt
172 Dr. Gennadi Kobzar Senior Scientist Biomedicine Institute of Chemistry Tallinn Technical Univ. Estonia
173 Prof. Anne Luik Ph.D Entomology plant protection Estonian Agricultural University Estonia
174 Sue Edwards M.Sc botanist and scientific editor lover of all life forms Institute for Sustainable Development Ethiopia
175 Dr. Tewolde Egziabher Agronomist Min. of the Environment Spokesperson for African Region Ethiopia
176 Dr. Liisa Kuusipalo Ph.D cellbiologist North Carelian Central Hospital Finland
177 Dr. Mark Rawlings Ph.D Astrophysicst Finland
178 Sylvain Allombert M.Sc. Ph.D. Student Ecology Centre National de la Recherche Scientificque Monpellier PSRAST France
179 Dr. Thierry Baussant Biochemist Senior Scientist Pharmaceutical Industry Bellegard France
180 Dr. Jean-Pierre Berlan Directeur de Recherches INR/CTESI France
181 Dr. Luc G. Bulot Researcher ESA CNRS 6019- Centre de Sedimentologie- Paleontologie Marseille PSRAST France
182 Dr. Pierre Calinaud Ph.D organic chemistry France
183 Dr. George Capouthier Biologist Univ. Paris France
184 MORAND CEDRIC c LCR Faucheurs Volontaires France
185 Dr. Dominique Cellier Prof Statistics in Bioinformatics Laboratoire LMRS ABISS Université France
186 Dr. Marie Christine BRGM Environment & Procedes Unite Biotechnologie Orlean France
187 Nathalie Cialdella Ph.D student agronomist France
188 Olga Daric M.Phil linguistics France
189 Bertrand desClers M.Sc Scientific research/Aeronautics/Conservation/Environment IGF France
190 Dr. QUEIROS CONDE Diogo theoretical biology turbulence geometry of multi scale systems Ecole des mines de Paris France
191 Dr. Jean Estrangin MK General Practice Grenoble France
192 Alain Fardif Certificat of therapist Paris France
193 PRAT Frederic B.Sc Information about GMO Geyser France
194 Dr. Du Bus De Warnaffe Ga Tan sustainable management of temperate forests INRA France
195 Dr. Du Bus De Warnaffe Gaetan Ph.D Sustainable forest management INRA France
196 Prof. Pierre Henri Gouyon Ph.D Geneticist specialist of Evolutionary biology Population biology and Plant breeding Université de Paris Sud France
197 Jacques Hallard Plant breeding Plant pthology Genetics Independant France
198 BAZIN Jean Pierre B.Eng Medical Imaging INSERM France
199 Dr. Arthur MacKenzie Ph.D physical chemistry France
200 Etienne Maillet Logic Philosophy Mathematic Ethic Polititics Anthropology China France
201 Dr. Herve Le Meur Biomathematician Univ. Paris France
202 Cécilia Meynet Ph.D student géographe France
203 Ruby Michel B.Eng chicken breeder ATTAC France
204 Dr. Birgit Müller Ph.D Social Anthropologist LAIOS CNRS France
205 Dr. Vic Norris IFR Systems Integres Univ. Rouen France
206 Dr. Jean-Michel Panoff Microbiologist Univ. of Caen Caen France
207 Dr. J. Pelt Institut Europeen d’Ecologie France
208 Dr. Bernard PINTUREAU Ph.D Entomologist INRA France
209 Dr. Christian PRAT Soil Scientist Agronomist in Latin America Institut de Recherche pour le Développement France
210 Thierry Raffin Sociologue President de ‘Inf’OGM France
211 Prof. Gilles-Eric Seralini Laboratoire de Biochimie& Moleculaire Univ. Caen France
212 Dr. Jean Staune Ph.D Post Darwinian Evolutionist Interdisciplinary University Paris France
213 Dr. Christophe Vieren Ph.D Automatique Universit des Sciences et Techonlogies de Lille France
214 Anwar Abo Amer Ph.D student fluorine chemistry and organometallic chemistry Duisburg Essen University Germany
215 Hudson Angeyo Ph.D student Physics: Analytical atomic spectroscopy and nuclear techniques in analysis University of Duisburg Germany
216 Dr. Elisabeth B?cking Ph.D Biologist Germany
217 Dr. Jurgen Boxberger Ph.D Cell and tissue culture ProCellula Germany
218 Dr. Reinald Doebel Institute of Sociology Rural and Development Soc. Westfaelische Wilhelms Univ. Germany
219 Dr. Tarek Elsherif Molecular Biologist TU Munich Germany
220 Lotz Frank Wolfgang Expert in The Vedic Health System Bestselling Author Germany
221 Brian Gentry Ph.D student Soft matter physics biophysics Germany
222 Dr. Anita Idel Author and Zoologist Op’n Dorp 17 Barsbek Germany
223 Dr. Martha Martens Biologist Bund Naturschutz in Bayern e. V. Munich Germany
224 Ilaria Mazzini Ph.D paleontologist Germany
225 Dr. Werner Mittelstaedt President Future Research/Peace Studies Gelsenkir Germany
226 Dr. Jennifer Schmid Ph.D Plant Ecology; Plant Population Genetic OEko Institut e.V.; Institute for Applied Ecology Germany
227 Dr. Eckart Stein Physicist Univ. Regensburg Germany
228 Dr. Beatrix Tappeser Head of Dept. Risk analysis of genetic engineering Institute for Applied Ecology Freiburg Germany
229 Dr. Stefan Thiesen Ph.D Astronomer and Geographer author of several popular science books one on climate change one on the perils of Biotech German Genterror und Lebenspatente independent Germany
230 Dr. Rebecca C. Wade Molecular Biology Heidelberg Germany
231 Dr. Christine von Weisaeker Ecoropa Germany
232 Frank Wolfgang Research on Vedic Health Food and Bestselling Author Germany
234 Prince K.N Nkrumah B.Sc Biochemist Development and Advocacy Foundation Ghana
235 Dr. Maria Caparis Marine Biologist Greece
236 Yannis Coconis translation Greece
237 Prof. Nicholas Fanourakis Ph.D Vegetable geneticist Technological Education Institute of Crete Greece
238 Dr. Costas Giannakenas Consultant Nuclear Medicine Univ. Patras Medical School Rion-Patras Greece
239 Prof. Tasos Kourakis B.Sc Geneticist Dept. General Biology & Genetics Medical Faculty Aristotelian University Thessaloni Greece
240 Harry Papageorgiou M.Sc Agricultural Sciences Environmental Impact Assessment Greece
241 Anna Gigli statistical modelling for medicine and biology national research council Greenland
242 Dr Christiane Boecker MCommH MCommH Community Health Haiti
243 Kevin Li B.Sc. Hong Kong
244 Prof. Julissa Martin Ph.D student i do not know what your talking abou t idk Hong Kong
245 Iren Karacsony B.Sc social medicine Hungary
246 Prof. Ervin Laszlo President The Club of Budapest Hungary
247 Prof. Dr Fenyvesi Peter Ph.D ONCOVIROLOGY MTOKKFI Hungary
248 Dr. Nikki Broglowskhini Ph.D I am well equipped with all things scientifical. The society for science Iceland
249 Dr. Ibrahim Abdul Azeez Ph.D Effect of acidification on the ecophysiology of freshwater fishes Fathima college of pharmacy kadayanallur 627759 India
250 Dr. Muhua Achary Environmentalist St. Joseph’s College Bangalore India
251 Dr. TANVEER ANSARI Ph.D Natural Product Chemistry DABUR GROUP India
252 Dr. Muthukumarasamy Arunachalam Ph.D fish biodiversity fish ecology conservation of ecosystems Manonmaniam Sundaranar university Alwarkurichi Tir India
253 Prof. Jayapaul Azariah Ecology Environmental Ethics Head of Dept.of Zoology and Director of School of Life Sciences Univ. Madras Chennai India
254 MOHAN BAJIKAR B.Sc Has introduced important first entry in India biotechnologies Was a Member of Task Force Mission Mode Program of the Dept of Biotechnology Govt of India Fetchus Consultancy Innovators Pvt Ltd India
255 Dr. Sarath Babu Balijepalli Ph.D Research Scientist withexperience in collection evaluation and conservation of agrobiodiversity and natural resources management for crop protection National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources India
256 Dr. CHANDRESH BORAD Ph.D Ecology Evolution and Conservation Biological Control Research Laboratory India
257 Dr. Tushar Borse Ph.D Biochemistry University of pune India
258 Dr. Gopal Yadav Boyina Ph.D In organic chemistry Sanmar speciality chemicals India
259 Dr. Gopal Yadav Boyina Ph.D In organic chemistry Sanmar speciality chemicals India
260 Dr. Sreenivas Burra Ph.D consultant in Natural Resource management Agronomist AMR APARD India
261 Dr. Amar Chouhan Ph.D master in enviroment analysis i i f t r India
262 candice coates M.Sc Lecturer in Biotechnology, Mumbai University. India
263 Dr. Thomas S. Cox Research Geneticist U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Manhattan KS (retired) – present address Hyderabad India
264 Dr. M I H Farooqi Ph.D Plant Chemist NBRI India
265 Prof.em Jahnavi Jahnavi M.Sc mol bio agri university India
266 Dr. Harry Jeyaprakash Ph.D IPM expert cotributed to farming communities 35 years in agricultural extention retired as joint director of agriculture India
267 Dr. Dr Dinesh Kacha M.D Obesity management Benmoon Pharma Research India
268 Dr. Sudhir Kaura Ph.D Organic Farming Molecular Genetics Natural Farming Network India
269 Dr. Nelson Kochappavu Ph.D Natural Health Rural health India
270 Prof Rayana Bhavan Kovutarapu M.Sc AgricultureNatural Resorces biotech agroeconomy and management withadministration (IAMMA) India
271 Dr. Dr Bellie Krishnan Ph.D Biological Control Sun Agro Biotech Research Center India
272 Prof.em Ranjeet Ku Sah B.Eng no study India
273 Dr. RAJEEW KUMAR Ph.D Crop growth modelling fertilizer reccommendation Barssica wheat NFCL Hyderabad India
274 Rajesh Kumar Ph.D student Vegetable Insect Pests of Lepidoptera Indian Agricultural Research Institute India
275 Dr. Joban Modha M.D ayurvedic onco heametologist nisargayurveda India
276 C. Nanjunda Murthy M.Sc. Plant Scientist Karnataka India
277 Dr. Divyesh Nagar Ph.D organic synthetic chemistry alembic ltd India
278 Dr. Dr Sankar Narayanan Ph.D Environmental Microbiologist KSR college of Arts Science India
279 Satheesh P M.Sc Grassroots work on food security and organic agriculture in dryland areas and gender Deccan Development Society India
280 Dr. DR GEEVEE PANDALA M.D virologost India
282 Dr. Parvaiz Qazi Ph.D Recombinant DNA technology regional research laboratory canal road Jammu India
283 Dr. N. Raghauram Plant Molecular Biology Univ. Mumbai India
284 Dr. Atul Sahai Ph.D Remote Sensing GIS Specialist for Natural Resource Disaster Management HOPE Technologies India
285 Dr. Shreekant Sapatnekar M.D Community Medicine Haffkine Institute Mumbai India
286 Prof.em Thangavelu Saravanan M.Sc Scientist in organic Agriculture Agronomist NaturalResourcesProtectionAndDevelopmentSociety India
287 Dr. Sathan Sathan Ph.D Kill Sulthan India
288 Dr. Chaitanya Sathe Ph.D industrial water pollution and waste water treatment Hindustan Dorr oliver Ltd India
289 Dr. Bala Ravi Sekhara Pillai Ph.D Geneticist and Plant Breeder India
290 Sharad Shah Director of Ace natural foods Vadodara India
291 Devinder Sharma Geneticist Plant Breeder and Writer Forum for Biotechnology and Food Security New Delhi India
292 Dr. Vandana Shiva Research Institute for Science and Ecology India
293 Dr. Dr Shirish Shrivastava M.D Herbal and ethnobotany expert do not favour GM plmts since they disturb the local flowra SAPRC India
294 Dr. Dr Shirish Shrivastava M.D Herbal and ethnobotany expert do not favour GM plmts since they disturb the local flowra SAPRC India
295 Prof. Arun Shrivastava Management Consultant SEDEM India
296 Priya Srinivas M.Phil Food Science Katra Phytochem Private Ltd India
297 Dr. Parshotam TANDON Ph.D Entomophagous Insect Behaviour Biological Control of Crop Pests Project Directorate of Biological Control India
298 Prof. Thomas Tharayil Ph.D tiuiruiuiuiuiruriy India
299 Dr. RAMA KRISHANA THOTA M.Sc I ve done project in aqua related to pro biotics and anti biotic in ecology vesper biotech india ltd India
300 Dr. R.P. Upadhyay Ph.D Lecturer in Physics India
301 Prof.em Durga Bhushaiah Vakkapatla M.Sc VIRAL RNA can be expressed in cytosol on HIV infected T cells university of hyderabd India
302 Dr. Sanjay Vasoya Ph.D organic synthetic chemistry alembic ltd India
303 Gustav Vaz B.Sc Biothechnology India
304 Gustavo Vaz B.Sc Biotechnology India
305 Erwin Adriawan B.Sc Campaigner on Anti GMOs Biotani Foundation Indonesia
306 Dr. Ernawati Gender and Rural Development Institute of Rural Development Indonesia
307 TOTO HARA Senior Consultant Coordinator ICRD Indonesia Chamber of Resources Development Indonesia
308 Wasis Krisnadi forest product forest faculty GMU Indonesia
309 Dr. Sina Ahmadi Ph.D Bio technologits Iran
310 Arman Ardalan Ph.D student Molecular Evolution NIGEB Iran
311 Dr. Kamran Haeri M.Sc research scientist MPT Iran
312 Dr. Amir Jalali M.D TIM TCM Unani Ayurveda also I have created a new kind of workout called Jalali System Traditional Iranian Medicine TIM Iran
313 Dr. Saeid Malekzadeh M.Sc yekom Iran
314 Sajad Noor industrial ergineering economic asd Iran
315 Dr. Saeed Yadranji Aghdam M.Sc none university of tehran Iran
316 Prof. Sean McDonagh M.Sc I am a theologian and anthropologist I worked for over 20 years in the Philippines I have written extensively on ethics and genetic engineering catholic priest Ireland
317 Barry Jude McGuinness Student Of BSc Biomedical Sciences University College Cork Ireland
318 Iris Atzmon represent the public opinion we are not lab animals Israel
319 Prof. Rita Alicchio Plant Geneticist Univ. Bologna Italy
320 Dr. Andrea Amadei Molecular Biophysics Assistant professor Un. of Rome Tor Vergata Italy
321 Prof. Drago Antonino B.Sc History of Physics Bioethics Scientific Committe of Inter Univ. Center on Bioet Italy
322 Prof. Livia Armandi Ph.D Agronomist Italy
323 Dr. Ciro Aurigemma Ph.D psicologist member of csa CEU/IPV Italy
324 Dr. Giampiero Barbieri Ph.D Chemists GMO analysis laboratory Stazione Sperimentale Industrie Conserve Alimentar Italy
325 Dr. Giovanni G Bazzocchi Ph.D Entomologist Agroecologist Universita di Bologna Italy
326 Dr. Stefania Biondi M.Sc Plant Physiologist University of Bologna Dept. of Biology Italy
327 Dr. Ernesto Burgio pediatrician attac Italy
328 Dr. Tiziana Camorani psicologa private Italy
329 Paola Capozzi plant and soil ecology Italy
330 Dr. Ferdinando Cerbone psicologo Italy
331 Dr Giorgio Cingolani Agricultural Economist Italy
332 Dr. Alberto Clarizia M.Sc Physicist University of Naples Italy
333 Dr. Raffaella Comito B.Sc General Practitioner holistic medicine Italy
334 Dr. Immacolata Coraggio Ph.D Plant Molecular Biologist Counseil National Research Italy
335 Dr. Bruno D’Udine Behaviour Ecologist University of Udine Italy
336 Dr. Simone De Ph.D Mathematics Combinatorics National Council of Research Italy
337 Prof. Adriano Decarli Cancer Epidermiology INST Univ. Milan Italy
338 Prof. Stefano Dumontet M.Sc soil microbiologist Universit. Basilicata Italy
339 Dr. Enzo Ferrara M.Sc Metrology in Chemistry IEN EURACHEM Italy
340 Dr. Sergio Francardo B.Sc Anthroposofical medical doctor Gruppo Medico Antroposofico Italiano Italy
341 Dr. Alessandro Giuliani Ph.D Biophysics Multidimensional Statistics Istituto Superiore di Sanita Italy
342 Elena Del Grosso Geneticist Researcher Deptl Evolutionary & Exptl. Biology Univ. Bologna Bologna Italy
343 Dr. Nicolas Kropacek M.D Public Health Free Lance Researcher Italy
344 Dr. Agostino Letardi M.Sc ecotoxicologist E.N.E.A. Italy
345 Prof. Ignazio Licata Full Professor of Theoretical Physics Ist Cibernetica non lineare Italy
346 Dr. Marco Mamone Ph.D mathematician University of Perugia Italy
347 Prof. Marco Mamone Capria Ph.D mathematician historian of science epistemologist University of Perugia Italy
348 Dr. Paolo Manzelli M.Phil Research in Education on Biochemistry LRE EGO CreaNET University of Florence Italy Italy
349 Dr. Bussolati Mariella M.Sc science writer Italy
350 Dr. Carlo Maurizio Modonesi Animal and environmental biology Università di Parma Italy
351 Dr. Karin Munck B.Sc comunication & science Fondazione Medikinale International Parma Italy
352 Prof. Valeria NEGRI Ph.D geneticist teaches ‘Agricultural Genetic Resources’ University of Perugia Italy
353 Prof. Francesco Palmirotta Ph.D psycho somatic clinicssocial work AOP Italy
354 Prof. Mariuccia Papa M.Sc biologist high school teacher Italy
355 Dr. Pietro Perrino Ph.D Plant Genetic Resources expert in collection conservation characterisation evaluation and utilasation From time to time Prof in Botany and Ecology C N R Germplasm Institute Italy
356 Dr. Francesca Salvemini Ph.D Biologist Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Italy
357 Prof. Steven N Shore Ph.D Physicist University of Pisa Italy
358 Prof. Leopoldo Silvestroni Endocrinologist Univ. of Rome Italy
359 Dr. Francesco Spinazzola M.D infectivologist Italy
360 Roberto Stefani Ph.D student Student of Political Science writing final thesis on GMOs Greenpeace Italia Italy
361 Prof. emeritus Shingo Shibata Hiroshima University; Environmental Sociology and Biosafety Tokyo Japan
362 Prof. Atuhiro Sibatani Molecular Biologist Osaka Japan
363 Dr Shiron Sugita Plant Geneticist Nagoya U. Japan
364 Dr Noboru Yagishita Plant Geneticist Jap. Assoc. Agro-Nature Tokyo Japan
365 Dr Machiko Yasukohchi PLAN – International Japan Public Relations Team Japan
366 Prof. Julian BAUER Ph.D Ecologist Forest Scientist working against any GE Tree development and or planting No GEO introductions without PIC of local people GE free zones a must ECOTERRA Intl var East African Universities Kenya
367 Wycliffe Wanzala Ph.D student Naturalist University of Nairobi Kenya
368 Dr. Georges Mailliet B.Sc Pulmonologist Luxembourg
369 Mohd Roshdi Hassan M.Sc Smart Material university Putra Malaysia Malaysia
370 Al Hanisham Mohd Khalid International Law Lawyer University Utara Malaysia Malaysia
371 Dr. Rosli Omar Ph.D Arificial Intelligence Universiti Malaya Malaysia
372 Prof. Elena Alvarez Buylla Ph.D Molecular Genetics of Plant Development and Evolution UNAM Mexico
373 Douglas Hinds Dir Gral Center for Community and Rural Development National Coordinator for Organic Production National Confederation of Rural Property Owners Dir of Sp CeDeCoR CNPR CSNI ISHS Mexico
374 Prof. Andres F Keiman Ph.D student Populations Ecology and Forest Conservation Universidad de la Ciudad de Mexico Mexico
375 Prof. Alberto R. Miranda Biologist Environmental Public Education Cuernavaca Mexico
376 Rodriguez Mitchell Nemesio Anthropologist PNUD INI Mexico
377 Dr. Ronald Nigh Ph.D anthropology specialty in agroecology biodiversity environment; member of SNI CIESAS Mexico
378 Dr. Enrique Vargas Ph.D Molecualr Immunology Universidad Veracruzana Grupo L dico Mexico
379 Dr. Ilya Trombitsky Ph.D BIOTICA Ecological Society Moldova
380 Prof. Si Bennasseur ALAOUI Ph.D Organic farming and alternative crops Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II Morocco
381 Prof. Lahcen Kenny Ph.D Oraganic Agriculture and Horticulture IAV Hassan II Morocco
382 Mukti Ram Chapagain Organic agriculture Nepal Organic Agriculture Ctr NOAC Pvt Ltd Nepal
383 M R Chapagain Organic Suistainable Agriculture and Rural Development Nepal Organic Agriculture Ctr Nepal
384 Maheswar Ghimire Organic Agriculture Promotion and Inspection Ecoscentre Nepal
385 Prof. Jiwan Rai M.Sc biochemist nepal organic association Nepal
386 Prof.em Bechan Raut M.Sc Medicinal Botanist Pokhara University Nepal
387 David Baillie B.Sc Deep Ecologist Naturopath NZ Forest Gardening Research Harmony Farmof Harmony Farm New Zealand
388 Dr. Robert Anderson Physicist Nuclear Medicine Technical Institute Hamilton New Zealand
389 Dr. Troy Baisden Ph.D Ecosystem Science (Soil Science/Ecology) Landcare Research New Zealand
390 Marie Buchler M.Sc Zoology masters editor and journalist and university tutor Bio Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association New Zealand
391 Dr. George Coghill Software Engineering University of Auckland New Zealand
392 Dr. Bernard Conlon B.Sc Rural GP New Zealand
393 Dr. Tim Ewer Physician Mapua Health Centre Nelson New Zealand
394 Dr. Michael Godfrey Environmental Toxicologist General Practitioner Taura New Zealand
395 Brendan Hoare M.Sc Organic systems sustaianble design integrated land managment UNITEC econation2020 Orgnaic Federation of NZ New Zealand
396 Sigrid D. Houlette B.Sc. B.Sc. Solid Waste Manager Environmental Engineering Local Government Lower Hutt New Zealand
397 Jessica Hutchings Ph.D student Maori environmentalist Maori science and resource management Lecturer Faculty of Science Victoria University New Zealand
398 Hussila Keshaw M.Sc Molecular Biology The University of Auckland New Zealand
399 Dr. Peter King Ph.D Sociologist Family Centre Social Policy Research Unit New Zealand
400 Dr. Nick Lambrechten Consultant Revegetation Ecologist Wellington New Zealand
401 Dr. Shona L. Lamoureaux Plant Ecology Christchurch New Zealand
402 Dr. Ruth Lawson Ph.D Parasite Epidemiologist and GE Campaigner New Zealand
403 Helmut Lubbers M.Sc ecologist ecology discovery foundation new zealand New Zealand
404 Dr Robert Mann Ecologist Auckland New Zealand
405 Dr. Ted Ninnes Ph.D Sociology and Psychology University of Waikato New Zealand
406 Robin W. Ord Molecular Geneticist Law Student Hamilton New Zealand
407 Tara Satyanand M.Sc Molecular genetics University of Auckland New Zealand
408 Dr. Sean Weaver Ph.D Environmental Policy Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand
409 Dr Colin Wells Director of Energy Management Dept of Physics University of Otago New Zealand
410 Katharine White I am an experienced artist and G E Free H B N Z campaigner I am and have been in the position to put my graphic expertise to use in the cause of the planet T L C Wellington and E I T Hawke s Bay New Zealand
411 Dr Peter R Wills Theoretical Biology Univ. Auckland New Zealand
412 Prof. Leong Yap Ph.D Ergonomist Industrial Designer Massey University New Zealand
413 Dr. Emmanuel AFOLABI Ph.D come and be healed physiotherapy and ecology Nigeria
415 Dr. Azeez Bolaji Odewenu M.Sc National association of science students Nigeria
416 Dr Ingrid Olesen Senior Research Scientist Institute of Aquaculture Res. Ltd Norway
417 Dr. Lars Rasmussen MD MD General Practitioner Univ. Oslo Mesnali Norway
418 Prof. Terje Traavik Virologist University of Tromso Norway
419 Dr. Hussain Ahmad M.Sc fermentation sold state fermentation koji university of veterinary and animal sciences lahor Pakistan
420 Dr. Obaid Ali M.Phil Bioavailabilitiy and Pharmacokinetic studies Govt of Pakistan Pakistan
421 Prof. Muhammad Bilal M.Sc research work on maize mmri yusafwala sahiwal pakistan Pakistan
422 Dr. Shakeel Farooqi Ph.D Genetics University of Karachi Pakistan
423 Muhammad Imran Imran Biochemist damask_786 Pakistan
424 Farhat Jabeen Jabeen B.Sc biotech biotech Pakistan
425 Prof. Omer Khayyam M.Sc food research programe food research Pakistan
426 Dr. Washdev Malhi Ph.D student whole soules and mind control jai ma jee Pakistan
427 Sajjad Naqvi M.Sc University of Karachi Pakistan
428 Dr. Mian Qaseem Ph.D Nuclier Magnetic Resonance Retired Educational Adviser Govt of Pakistan Pakistan
429 Dr. Tasneem Rizvi Ph.D Molecular Biophysics. PCSIR Laboratories Complex Lahore PAKISTAN. Pakistan
430 Madiha Saeed Rizvi B.Sc Deptt of Biotechnology Univerity of Karachi Pakistan
431 Dr. Naveed Yusuf M.Phil veterinarian university of veterinary and animal sciences lahor Pakistan
432 Prof.em Eric Jimenez Ph.D none Aquatic Panama
433 Ethel Japeth B.Sc none police Savings & Loan Papua New Guinea
434 Dr. Sergio Barrio Tarnawiecki Science Policy National Research Council of Lima Peru
435 Prof.em Pedro Angco Jr H2O limpyobaybay founder Philippines
436 GEONATHAN BARRO Doing Anti GMO campaigns coordinates with other NGOs on our Anti GMO GE stand KALITAWHAN WORKING GROUP ON BIODIVERSITY Philippines
437 GEONATHAN BARRO Coordinator Coordinates with NGOs POs and other Organizations on Anti GMO campaigns and other related issues and concerns KALITAWHAN WORKING GROUP ON BIODIVERSITY Philippines
438 Paterno Borlagdan M.Sc Agricultural Engineer Filipino Inventors Society Philippines
439 Javier M Claparols Agriculture Rice Sugar Aquaculture Milkfish Bangus shrimp Businessman Ecologist Ecological Society of the Philippines Philippines
440 Antonio M CLAPAROLS M.Sc Ecologist farmer marine and terrestial biodiversity economics Ecological Society of the Philippines Philippines
441 Johnny Danganan B.Sc lay out artist in publications Sustainable Agriculture advocate Philippines
442 Dr. Clint ESco Ph.D student Expert in psychology concerning students PICHES and PIDO Philippines
443 Dr. Pamela G. Fernadez Agronomist U. Philippines Los Banos Philippines
444 Delilah Galang B.Sc Natural Therapy Consultant Cancer Council Philippines
445 Dr. Richard Kharpungal Ph.D Agronomist U Philippines Philippines
446 Prof. Mark Erick Magbanua Ph.D student no Philippines
447 Prof. Mark Erick Magbanua M.Sc metro manila Philippines
448 Ben Malayang University of Philippines Los Banos Laguna Philippines
449 FRANCIS MORALES M.Phil Advocacy Officer of MASIPAG Mindanao MASIPAG Philippines
450 Charles T. Olsen D.C. Chiropractic Clinic Davao Clinic PSRAST Philippines
451 Prof. Marlon Pareja Ph.D student Cell and Molecular Biology Wildlife Conservation Society of the Philippines Philippines
452 Nicanor Perlas B.Sc Agricultural Scientist and Ecologist Sustainable Agriculture Specialist Center for Alternative Development Initiatives Philippines
453 Dr. Romeo F. Quijano Pesticide Action Network Pharmacologist/Toxiologist Philippines
454 Dr. Dante Jr Simbulan Ph.D Neurophysiology De La Salle University Health Sciences Campus Philippines
455 Dr. Jaime A Sison Animal Nutrition and Feed Milling Aqua Ace Nutrition Inc Philippines
456 Dr. MARVIN UMALI M.D pediatrician doctors of the philippines Philippines
457 Prof. Oscar B. Zamora Agronomist U. Philippines Los Banos Philippines
458 Prof. Joel Mckevin Zamora Ph.D b s of s and t psu Philippines
459 Dr. Szymczyk Ryszard Ph.D methodology of cultivar testing wildlife conservation Poland
460 Prof. Vicinzineddu Itunculu M.D biochemistry portug univrsity Portugal
461 Rui Pereira M.D General Practice Portugal
462 Prof. Clara Queiroz Ph.D Geneticist Retired University of Lisboa Portugal
463 Teresa Silva Ph.D student Coconut Portugal
464 Dr. Margarida Silva Molecular Biologist Portuguese Catholic Univ. Portugal
465 Dr. Franciso J.C.M. Teixeira Researcher Geophysics Geological and Mining Institute Lisbon Portugal
466 Fatima C. Teixeira Researcher Marine Geology Lisbon Portugal
467 Carlos Altieri M.Sc Toxicity and pesticides in water Health Environmental Department Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
468 Nelson Alvarez JD Sociologist and Lawyer Agriculture and development consultant Puerto Rico
469 Dr. Clara Carrasco Ph.D Molecular Biology and Genetics Puerto Rico
470 Dr. Shridhar Devidas Ph.D Basically an Ecologist turned environmental management system specialist advocating sustainable resource use among the industires Bureau Veritas Qatar
471 Dr. Joseph Mezei M.D quantum medicine Medical Center Tongtian Romania
472 Prof. Vladimir Kuznetsov Ph.D Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Institute of Plant Physiology RAS Russia
473 Dr. Ali Mohammed Ph.D Chief executive officer Companies Saudi Arabia
474 Prof. WAIL SALAH B.Sc BIOTECH Saudi Arabia
475 Prof. Vladimir Ajdacic Ph.D nuclear physics carcinogenecity none retired Serbia
476 Peter Sevich Ph.D student Serbia
477 Glenn Ashton Director Ekogaia Foundation and Green Party South Africa
478 Dr. Brigitte N.B. Schwabe-Berg Medical Officer Groote Schuur Hospital Cape Town South Africa
479 Ben Van Der Walt Director in Nutritional Advisory Forum Agree on the concern of Genetically Manipulated Food GNLD South Africa
480 Nicole Venter The Southern Health Ecology Institute SHAE Institute South Africa
481 Dr. SangSoo Hur Ph.D Lecturer Sociology of Science and Technology Sungkonghoe University South Korea
482 Prof. Suk Hwan Kim Ph.D Sociology of Science and Technology Kookmin University South korea
483 Bingbin LU International Law Transnational Law and Business University TLBU South Korea
484 Dr Gregorio Alvar Biotechnologist. Computense U. Madrid Spain
485 Javier Blasco Aragonese Ctr for Rural European Information Spain
486 Prof. F. Pura Duart-Soler Sociology Univ. Valencia PSRAST Spain
487 Prof. Ernest Garcia Ph. D. Ph. D. Sociology Univ. Valencia Dept. Sociologia I Antropologia Social Valencia Spain
488 ANDRES MAGANA B.Eng electronic instrumentation escorial sostenible Spain
489 Andres Magana Garcia B.Sc world heritage freelance consultant escorial sostenible Spain
490 Dr. Pablo Malo Psychiatrist Consultant Mental Health Center Bilbao Spain
491 Jose Ramon Olarieta Ph.D Soil Science Agriculture Land use Universitat de Lleida Spain
492 Dr. Rosario Sierra De Grado Ph.D Forest geneticist University of Valladolid Spain
493 Dr. Jagath Perera B.Eng electrical engineering uom SriLanka Sri Lanka
494 Adil Hassan Ahmed Abdelmageed Ph.D student Breeding of vegetable crops Vegetable Physiologist and researcher and lecturer University of Khartoum Sudan Sudan
495 Dr. Kamal El Siddig Ph.D Tree eco physiologist Sudan
496 Dr. Isameldeen Khair Ph.D Education and training Sennar University Sudan
497 Dr. Balgis Osman Elasha Ph.D Environmentalist Higher Council for Environment Natural Resources Sudan
498 Dr. Bo Dahlin Education Science Karlsbad University Karlsbad Sweden
499 Folke G Nther Ph.D student Sustainability issues and Ecological Engineering Systems Ecology Sweden
500 Prof. Every N. Gummesson Management Stockholm Univ. PSRAST Sweden
501 Folke Gunther Ph.D student Sustainability issues and Ecological Engineering Systems Ecology Sweden
502 Said O. Holmin Lic. Technology Rector Computer Science College of Creative Computer Science Stockholm Sweden
503 Dr. Katarina Leppanen History of Ideas Gothenburg Uni Sweden
504 Dr. Jaan Suurkula Physician Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Assessment of Science and Technology Stockholm Sweden
505 Dr. Daniel Amman Cell Biologist Tech. Switzerland
506 Dr. Charles Beard M.D General Practitioner CNBPharma Switzerland
507 Dr. Ruth Goseth Dermatologist ISDE Switzerland
508 Florianne Koechlin Biologist World Wildlife Fund Switzerland
509 Dr. Nicole Maestracci Beard Ph.D Microbiologist Virologist Immunologist Serono International Switzerland
510 Yvan Maillard dipl. Sc. Nat. ETH Environementalist Ecology Fribourg PSRAST Switzerland
511 Yves Schatzle Agronomist and Economist Switzerland
512 Verena Soldati Biotechnologist Basler Appell Switzerland
513 Dr. KuoChi Yeh M.D Geriatric Publich Health and Hospital Administration medical legal Taipei City Hospital Zhongxing Branch Taiwan
514 Arend De Haas M.Sc Conservation Ecologist African Conservation Foundation Tanzania
516 Dr. William Kisinza Ph.D Epidemiology Public Health Specialist National Institute for Medical Research Tanzania Tanzania
518 Acleus Rutta M.Sc Immunologist National Institute For Medical Research Tanzania
519 Dr. Peter Burt Ph.D Water Quality Management Prince of Songkla university Thailand
520 Dr. Jidbhong Jayavasu Ph.D Medical Virologist Arogya Smasai Thailand
521 Prof. Omboom Luanratana Pharmacologist Univ. of Mahedol Bangkok Thailand
522 Piengporn Panutampon biology/medical biology Biothai (Thai Network on Community & Biodiversity) Thailand
523 Prof. Reungchai Tansakul Ph.D Biologist Prince of Songkla University Thailand
524 Lianchamroon Witoon Sustainable agriculture Biothai Thailand
525 Jaroen Compeerapap Environmental Law and Development Center The Netherlands
526 Jaap Hamers M.Sc Ecologist The Netherlands
527 Tedje Van Asseldonk M.Sc biology phytotherapy inst f ethnobotany zoopharmacognosy The Netherlands
528 Dr. Siirsel Tas Dizdar Ph.D Radiation Oncology Turkey
529 Prof. KANYANDAGO Peter Ph.D Expert and researcher in endogenous knowledge and African cultures Uganda Martyrs University Uganda
530 Dr. Michael L. Abrahams (retired) Aeronautics Bristol PSRAST UK
531 Maryam Al Alami Ph.D student Science in Society civic and stakeholder participation GM food law Manchester Metropolitan University UK
532 Michael Alexander M.Phil Theoretical Physics UK
533 Chris Anthony B.Sc Qualified amateur UK
534 Janey Antoniou M.Sc Molecular Biologist UK
535 Dr. Michael Antoniou Molecular Geneticist Guy’s Hospital UK
536 Paula F. Baillie-Hamilton Academic Researcher on Pesticides Perthshire UK
537 Dr. Susan Bardocz Geneticist Aberdeen UK
538 Dr. Jeremy Bartlett Plant Molecular Geneticist (formerly John Innes Institute) UK
539 Manoel Bascoi Geneticist PhD Candidate JII UK
540 Dr. David Beasley Genetic Algorithm University of Bath UK
541 Dr. David Bellamy Biologist and Broadcaster London UK
542 Lynda Birke Biologist Liverpool Uni. Veterinary School UK
543 Dr. David A.H. Birley General Medical Practitioner Swindon UK
544 Sarah Blenkinsop B.Sc Environmental Consultant/Campaigner/Organic grower Planet Services Environmental Consultancy UK
545 Gerard C. Bodeker Ed. D. Senior Clinical Lecturer in Public Health Univ. Oxford Medical School UK
546 Dr. Jeffrey Boss Cell Biologist Dept. of Physiology Bristol University UK
547 Sophie H. Bown Ph.D. Candidate Zoology Manchester Univ. UK
548 Paul Breslaw Computer Scientist Consultant Financial Research Forest Row UK
549 Dr. Allan Britton Ph.D Environmental Health and Safety UK
550 Prof. Roy Butterfield DSc.DIC CEng. MICE MIStruct.E. Civil Engineer Southampton UK
551 Dr. Alessandra Cavalletti Ph.D Research Associate Imperial College STM UK
552 Maureen Childs B.Sc Internet Developer British Computer Society UK
553 Emma Churchman B.Sc Social Scientist UK
554 Dr. Janet Cotter-Howells Environmental Geochemist Lecturer in Soil Science Aberdeen University UK
555 Dr. Stephen Cross Molecular Population Geneticist Birmingham University UK
556 Dr. Alan Currier Taxonomist IRBV UK
557 Gordon Daly Ph. D. student Gene Therapist Kennedy Inst. London UK
558 Stuart Daly Ph. D. student Transgenic group Charing Cross Hosp. UK
559 Dr. Yuliya Demydchuk Ph.D Molecular biology of producers of antibiotics Cambridge university UK
560 Dr. Mike Dodd Ecologist Open University UK
561 Prof. Jane Eberlynne M.Sc enviromental studdies conscerning health erzats peace co. UK
562 Tom Fox Amateur neurology biochemistry psychology sociology and philosophy enthusiast UK
563 Joseph A. Gari Marie Curie Research Fellow Political Ecology University of Oxford UK
564 Dr. Mike Gillman Ecologist Open University UK
565 Dr. Alassandro Gimona Research Scientist Ecology MLURI Aberdeen UK
566 Edward Goldsmith Editor The Ecologist London UK
567 Zac Goldsmith Editor The Ecologist London UK
568 Prof. Brian Goodwin Biologist Schumacher College UK
569 Lale Gurel Bec. Manager Nature – Macmillan Publishers London UK
570 Adrian Haffegee B.Eng B.Eng Electronic Engineer UK
571 Julian Haffegee M.phil Biophysicist Institute of Science in Society UK
572 Dr. Keith H. Halfacree Univ. Lecturer Geography Univ. of Wales Swansea UK
573 Dr. John E. Hammond Engineer Highfield UK
574 Dr. David J Heaf Biochemist Wales UK
575 Dr. Marion Hersch Assistive Electonic Technologies Dept. Electronics & Electrical Engineering Univ. Glasgow Glasgow Scotland UK
576 Dr. Mae-Wan Ho Geneticist and Biophysicist Open University UK
577 Dr. Caroline Hoffmann Ph.D Ecotoxicologist Centre for Human Ecology UK
578 Patrick Holden Director Soil Association UK
579 Dr. Vyvyan Howard Toxipathologist U. Liverpool UK
580 G. D. Humphreys M.Sc technologist aerodynamics UK
581 Gerald Humphreys B.Sc Aerodynamics Operational Research Information Technology Hemel hempstead GM action group UK
582 Dr. Brian Hursey ex FAO Senior Officer for Vector Borne Diseases Neath UK
583 Prof. Tim Ingold Anthropologist University of Aberdeen UK
584 Lorna Jackson M.Sc Ecology soil science HDRA the organic organisation UK
585 Magnus L. Johnson School of Science & Management U.C. Scarborough UK
586 Peter Preston Jones MSc Environomental Campaigner UK
587 Dani Kaye M.Sc. Scientists for Global Responsibility London UK
588 David Kaye M.Sc. Scientists for Global Responsibility London UK
589 Dr J. M. Kerr Bioethics Winchester College: Oxford U. UK
590 Dr. Philip Kilner Cardiac Imaging Specialist Royal Brompton Hospital UK
591 Prof. Richard Lacey Microbiologist Leeds UK
592 Dr. Jonathan R. Latham Molecular Virologist previously JII and Genetics Dept. Wisconsin-Madison Univ. Exeter UK
593 Dr. Colin L.A. Leakey Plant Geneticist Cambridge UK
594 Chris Lucas MIMIS Complexity Scientist CALResCo UK
595 Dr. Paul Marchant Ph.D Chartered Statistician UK
596 Jan Martinez social visionary holistic entrepreneur Just Rural Development Trust S W E N UK
597 Dr. Joan Mason Chemist Cambridge UK
598 Druvananda Mauree B.Sc graphic designer school of design UK
599 Dr. Alan Mayne Statistician Scientists for Global Responsibility London UK
600 Darl N. Middleton Ph. D. student Environ. Science Dept. Civil Engineering Univ. Manchester UK
601 Dr. Erik Millstone Science & Techology Policy Research Sussex Univ. Brighton UK
602 Patrick Mulvany C Biol Food Security Policy Adviser specialising in Agricultural Biodiversity Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG) UK
603 Dr. Harash Narang Pathologist BSE expert UK
604 Dr. Eva Novotny Astrophysicist Univ. Cambridge (retired) UK
605 Prof. Bob Orskov Ph.D Animal nutrition Rural development in developing countries macaulay research Institute UK
606 Dr. David Packham Material Scientist U. Bath UK
607 Nicholas Papadimitriou M.Sc conservation and eco philosophy Institute of science in society UK
608 Dr. Barnaby Peacocke Ph.D Agricultural Science International Development ITDG UK
609 Fatima Pelica Biochemist PhD Candidate JII UK
610 Marcus Petz B.Sc Biology/Geology Environmental Politics UK
611 George Pilkington M.Sc Countryside management UK
612 Dr. Michel Pimbert Agricultural Ecologist International Institute for Environment and Development London UK
613 Dr. Robert C. Poller Organic Chemist U. London UK
614 Michael Pooler A Level Biology Student human relations People Of The Earth UK
615 Dr. Malcolm Povey Ph.D Food Scientist Reader in Food Physics University of Leeds UK
616 Dr. Ronald Press Ph.D Chemical engineer UK
617 Bala Puspa UK
618 Prof. Arpad Pusztai Biochemist Formerly from Rowett Institute UK
619 Dr. Jerry Ravetz Philosopher of Science London UK
620 Dr. Irene Ridge Biologist Open University UK
621 Dr. Barry T. Rubin Physical/Electro Chemist Director Davis-Rubin Associates Ltd Northhants UK
622 Dr. Barry T Rubin Ph.D Physical Electro Chemistry Business Consultant CD DVD Replication for Business Davis Rubin Associates Ltd UK
623 Angela Ryan Molecular biologist Open Univ. UK
624 Dr. Jean A.D. Saunders BDS BDS LDS RCS Dental Surgeon (retired) Faringdon UK
625 Prof. Peter Saunders Biomathematician U. London UK
626 Dr. Wendy Seel Ph.D Plant Sciences University of Aberdeen UK
627 Martin Shaw Geneticist UK
628 Dr. Ellis Snitcher M.D Teaching and research in integrative medicine Middlesex University UK
629 Dr. Peter Sollich Theoretical Physics Dept. Mathematics King’s College London UK
630 Vanessa Spedding M.Phil science and science policy journalism None UK
631 Dr. Gesa Staats.de.Yanes Veterinarian Toxicologists U. Liverpool UK
632 Prof. Ian Stewart Biomathematics U. Warwick UK
633 Dr. Gene S. Thomas Agriculturist UK
634 Simone Turchetti Ph.D student History of Science Technology and Medicine CHSTM UK
635 Dr. Margaret J. Tyson Glossop PSRAST UK
636 Dr. Rob Verkerk Ph.D Sustainable agriculture and health UK
637 Dr Tom Wakeford Biologist U. of East London UK
638 Barry Weir B.Sc Physics Engineering OGL HMAF UK
639 Martyn Wells Astronomer UK Astronomy Technology Centre Edinburg UK
640 Barbara Wood-Kaczmar M.Sc. Science writer UK
641 Julian Wootton Conservationist London UK
642 Dr. Karen Wren University teacher Geography St. Andrews Univ. St. Andrews Fife UK
643 Linda Yeodal B.Sc MNIMH Medical Herbalist UK
644 Dr. JOHN ZARB Ph.D Small scale farming systems Senior Research Fellow Newcastle University NEWCASTLE UNIVERSITY UK
645 Dr. Grygoriy Petjuch Ph.D Ecology genetics Institute of Agroecology and Biotechnology Ukraine
646 Dr. Maulud Betaieb Ph.D environmental microbiology managment United Arab Emierates
647 Nelson Alvarez JD Sociologist and Lawyer Agriculture and development consultant Uruguay
648 Dr. Rayane Abusabha Senior Research Associate Department of Nutrition College of Health and Human Development Penn State University USA
649 Prof. Miguel A. Altieri Environment Science Policy and Management Univ. Calif. Berkeley USA
650 Ruth Alviola Posadas M.Sc Aquaculturist State Food Safety Officer MS DMR USA
651 Biff Appia autism USA
652 Dr. Catherine Badley Biologist University of Michigan USA
653 Dr. Britt Bailey Senior Researcher CETOS Ca USA
654 Prof. Phil Bereano Council for Responsible Genetics U. Washington USA
655 Prof. Stephen Bialkowski Ph.D Analytical Environmental Chemistry Department of Chemistry Utah State University USA
656 Andrew Bigler Infrared Systems USA
657 Dr. Walter Bortz Physician Palo Alto USA
658 Dr. Douglas H Boucher Ecologist Hood College USA
659 Nancy Brokaw M.Sc Identifying and treating disease through organic whole food Nutrition Foundation for Nutritional Therapy and Application USA
660 Nancy Brokaw Gerchak M.Sc Dedicated to finding Causes rather than treating SYMPTOMS of disease researcher CRA Practitioner Holistic Healthcare Consultant Foundation for Nutritional Therapy and Application USA
661 Claire Cabeza M.Sc Envionmental Scientist W.A.T.E.R.S. for Salmon People USA
662 Dr. Neil J. Carman Clean Air Program Director Sierra Club Austin Texas USA
663 Ricardo Carvajal Ph.D student agricultural ecology University of Michigan USA
664 Liane Casten M.Phil M.Phil journalist and author on food pesticides public policy public health etc. Chair Chicago Media Watch USA
665 Prof. Liebe F. Cavalieri Mathematical Ecology Evolution and Behaviour Univ. Minnesota St. Paul USA
666 Claire Caveza M.Sc Project leader for Chum Salmon genetic sampling fisheries biologist for Native American tribe in the Pacific NorthWest W.A.T.E.R.S. for Salmon People USA
667 Vijaykumar V.C. Chalasani MS Consultant East Brunswick USA
668 Dr. Ignacio Chapela Microbiologist & Ecologist U.C. Berkeley USA
669 Dr. Frederick Cichocki Ph.D Ecologist Graves Museum of Natural History USA
670 Kristin Cobelius M.Sc. Student M.Sc. Student U. Michigan USA
671 Dr. Alan Connor Ph.D Ph D in Communty Planning Development Univ Of Mich Practiced in Zambia and the U S Taught at Univ of Mich and Headed program at Siena Heights College Friends Committee on Unity with Nature Democratic USA
673 Dr. Martha Crouch Biologist Indiana University USA
674 Jill Davies Stream Ecologist Organic Farmer Montana USA
675 Dr. Carolyn F.A. Dean MD ND MD ND Consultant Integrative Medicine Holeopathic Pharmakeia NY USA Board of Women for a Safe Future USA
676 Tricia Deane Certified Organic and nonGMO Food Supplier USA
677 Burgess Dillard Natural Scientist Self USA
678 Earth Duarte Trattner Ph.D student Social and Ecological Impacts of Biotechnology UC Berkeley USA
679 Dr. Chris Duffield Ph.D Visiting scientist Stanford University USA
680 Dr. David Ehrenfeld Biologist/Ecologist Rutgers University New Jersey USA
681 Mr Irucka Embry Studying civil and environmental engineering and Spanish University of Tennessee student USA
682 Andrew Epstein B.Sc Environmental Policy/planning sustainable development The Nature Conservancy USA
683 Dr. Samuel Epstein School of Public Health Univ. Illinois Chicago USA
684 Juiet S Erazo Ph. D. student PhD student U. of Michigan USA
685 Sanek Erem USA
686 Sanekus Erem USA
687 Prof. John B. Fagan Maharishi University of Management Fairfield Iowa USA
688 Dr. Don Fitz Research Psychologist and Editor Synthesis/Regeneration: A Magazine of Green Social Thought USA
689 Dr. Ty Fitzmorris Ecologist Hampshire College USA
690 Dr Michael W Fox Veterinarian & Bioethicist Washington DC USA
691 Dr. Chris Francovich Ph.D Learning Through Participation Practice Lightfiled Inc USA
692 Cynthia A. Frye FS/MS Student Biology Univ. Texas Medical Branch USA
693 Prof. John Garderineer Biologist U. Michigan USA
694 Dr. Barbara K. Given Faculty Researcher George Mason Univ. Fairfax USA
695 Dr. Jay L. Glaser MK Medical Director Maharishi Ayurveda Medical Center Lancaster USA
696 Dr. Parameswaran Gopikrishnan Ph.D Financial Enginner Physicist USA
697 Panatey Great Company inc USA
698 Dr Herve Grenier Atmospheric Sciences and Climate Change Univ. Washington USA
699 Dr. Don Hall Ph.D Intermolecular adiabatic bioag marine Bear Creek Research USA
700 Dr. Gayle Robin Hamilton Assoc. Prof. Centre for the Advancement of Public Health Fairfax VA USA
701 Rev. Dorothy A. Harper Biotethics Washington USA
702 Maria Harrington currently working on my Masters of Science in Nutrition at Bastyr University USA
703 Prof.em Kristi Harris B.Sc plant molecular biology murray state USA
704 Paul C. Helgeson BSME Senior Engineer Middleton WI USA
705 Gosha Hello Company inc USA
706 Prof. Martha Herbert Pediatric Neurologist Mass. Gen. Hosp. USA
707 Patrick Hickey Ph.D Resource renewability and quality of life Sedona Recycles USA
708 Daniel J. Highkin Internist Vancouver Washington USA
709 Dr. Joseph Hilou Clinical Nutrition Chiropractic USA
710 Dale Hoover Organic food eater USA
711 Heidi Horn interested in what i eat sebastian USA
712 Prof. emeritus John Hotchkiss Ph.D Ethnography of Indigenous Botanical Systems USA
713 Dr. Paul Houle Ph.D Theoretical Physics USA
714 Dr. Philip H Howard Ph.D Rural Sociology Rural Coalition Washington DC USA
715 Prof. Ruth Hubbard Biologist Harvard University USA
716 Andrew J. Hund Sociologist Arcata USA
717 Panatey I Like Your Site Company inc USA
718 Alex Jack Planetary Medicine Jushi Institute Becket Mass USA
719 Soraya Jacob student USA
720 Eric Jacobson Ph.D Medical anthropologist Dept. of Social Medicine Harvard Medical School USA
721 Dr. Michael Janson General Practitioner Nutrition Cambridge USA
722 Emile C Joel B.Sc Research Chemist Retired Smithsonian Institution USA
723 Robert W. Johnson Material Scientist DSM Desotech Elgin Illinois USA
724 Christine Johnston Ph.D student oncology USA
725 Dr. Gary P. Kaplan Assoc. Prof. Neurology North Shore Univ. Hosp. NYU School of Medicine Mass USA
726 Dr. Arlene M. Kellman D.O. Physician Tucson USA
727 Prof. Jonathan King Molecular Biology MIT Cambridge Council for Responsible Genetics USA
728 Rev Thomas Klein Orthodox Priest USA
729 Dr Jack Kloppenburg Un. Wisconsin Rural Sociologist USA
730 Heidei A. Kratsch R.D./Graduate Student Plant Physiology Univ. Wisconsin USA
731 Dr. Louis H. Krut MK CHB.:MD St. Louis Univ. Medical School Missouri USA
732 U.V. Kutzli Ph. D. student U of Michigan USA
733 Dr. Marc Lappe Geneticist and Director CETOS Ca USA
734 Dr. Chris Lawrence Ph.D Extensive work in science education outside the box USA
735 Prof. Mark X M Lei Plant genomics and breeder in rice and kenaf University of California Chinese Alumni Associatio USA
736 Prof. Xiaomao Lei Research and Education in agricultural sciences University of California Chinese Alumni Associatio USA
737 Dr. Herman Lerner M.D Nutritionally oriented physician USA
738 Dr. Barry Lia Ph.D sustainable agriculture USA
739 David Lindley USA
740 Sean Lyman Student Gettysbury College USA
741 A J Maimbourg Keen desire to see GM foods banned due to potential health problems USA
742 Dr. Timothy Mann Geographer Hampshire College USA
743 Hugh Mann non pharmaceutical health education organicMD org USA
744 Anne-Marie Mayer Ph. D. student Nutrition Cornell Univ. USA
745 Christine McCullum Ph. D. student Nutritional Sciences Cornell University USA
746 Lynn V. McIndoo Student Environmental Resources Engineering Humboldt State Univ. Arcata USA
747 Dr. Dwight McKee M.D Am Board of Int Med certified in Internal Medicine Medical Oncology and Hematology Strong background in clinical nutrition immunology and holistic med USA
748 Vuejuin McKersen M.Sc Natural Resource Manager U. Michigan USA
749 Dr. Joan P Mencher Ph.D Culturao Anthropologist work on issues of agriculture including sustainable agriculture primarily in India Involved in fights against GMOs and issuesof the co Lehman College of CUNY and CUNY graduate Center USA
750 Dr. Stephen L. Mikesell Anthropology and Political Ecology Univ. Wisconsin Madison USA
751 Dr. Bill Misner Ph.D Nutrition E CAPS Inc USA
752 Leuren Moret Ph.D student Independent Scientist expert in radiation and public health Past President Association for Women Geoscientist USA
753 Dr. Usha Mukhtyar M.D. Consultant Gynecology Obstetrics Bronx New York USA
755 Elaine Needham illustrator researcher writer speaker none USA
756 Prof.em JB Neilands Ph.D Professor of Biochemistry Univ Calif Berkeley USA
757 Prof. Stuart A. Newman Developmental Biology New York Medical College Valhalla New York USA
758 Panatey Nice To See Your Site Is Being Updated Company inc USA
759 Lena S Nicolai Ph. D. student University of Michigan USA
760 Dr. Ingrid C. Northwood Biochemist Simon Fraser University USA
761 Dr. Ronald E. Openshaw Adjunct Faculty Geology Physics Maharishi University of Management Fairfield USA
762 Trina Paulus food issues sculpture writing Hope For the Flowers USA
763 Marial Peelle Biol./Anthropologist Undergrad. Swarthmors College USA
764 Dr. Ivette Perfecto Associate Professor, School of Natural Resources and Environment University of Michigan USA
765 Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri Ph.D author The Uterine Crisis 2003 independent scholar USA
766 Chris Picone M.Sc. Soil Microbiologist U. Michigan USA
767 John Pierne B.Sc Concerned Citizen USA
768 William Pizer Many years as an organic farmer Schoharie Certified Organic Hydroponic Greenhouses USA
769 Dr. Vasiliki Plerou Ph.D Physics USA
770 Dr. Gregory Pratt Ph.D Air pollution Minnesota Poll Contr Agncy Univ of Minnesota USA
771 Dr. James W Prescott Ph D Ph.D Developmental Neuropsychologist Cross Cultural Psychologist See www violence de Institute of Humanistic Science USA
772 Linda Prout M.Sc nutrition writer speaker consultant Lifehift USA
773 Dr. Caros R Ramirez Biologist St Lawrance University USA
774 Prof. Philip J. Regal Dept. Ecology Evolution and Behavior Univ. Minnesota St. Paul USA
775 Corinna Richards Ph.D student sociologist (health and biotechnology) AmbiguousMedia USA
776 Prof. R.H. Richardson Professor of Integrative Biology University of Texas Austin USA
777 Claudia Riumallo Mother concerned about her children future health Mother USA
778 John Robb permaculture USA
779 Dr. Susan L. Roberts MSRDLD Health and Nutrition Sue Roberts Health Concepts USA
780 Annika Rockwell Certified Nutritionist Consultant RockwellNutrition com USA
781 James Rose Ceptual Institute USA
782 Dr. Peter M. Rosset Ins. for Food and Development Policy USA
783 Prof. Philip B. Rudnick Emeritus Chemistry West Chester Univ. Pennsylvania PSRAST USA
784 Dr. Arthur Rybeck D.D.S. Dentistry and Organic Farmer Wheeling USA
785 Dr. Elizbet Sahtouris Biologist & Author USA
786 Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris Ph.D evolution biologist futurist Living Systems Design USA
787 Dr. Barnett Salzman M.D 30 yrs of medical research expertise public health board cert psychiatrist USA
788 Thomas J. Saunders Student Environmental Science Humboldt State Univ. Arcata USA
789 Dr. Stephen Scanlan Ph.D Global inequalities international development and food security University of Memphis Department of Sociology USA
790 Dr. Derek Scholes Ph.D Geneticist New York State Dept of Health USA
791 Dr. Nancy A Schult Entomologist U of Wisconsin-Madison USA
792 Dr. Brian Schultz Ecologist Hampshire College USA
793 Dr. Kathy Schwab Health Researcher MPH RD LD Center for Health Research Portland Oregon USA
794 Prof. David Schwartzman Geochemist Howard Uni. Washington DC USA
795 John Scibetta B.Sc Protein Chromatography Amersham Pharmacia Biotech USA
796 Dr. Linda Jean Sheperd Biochemist Gaia Blessings USA
797 Colleen Sheppard Wholistic Energy Therapist USA
798 Prof. Michael Sheridan Ph.D Environmental Anthropologist Middlebury College USA
799 Dr. Jacob Silver Ph.D Political Scientist Social Analyst Huron Mountain Research Services USA
800 Dr. Joseph Simcox Ph.D student Food Plant Diversity and Germplasm The Rare Vegetable Seed Consortium USA
801 Witold Skiba Ph.D Theoretical Physics MIT USA
802 Dr. Gerald Smith Zoologist U. Michigan USA
803 Kim Smith I consume only organic food and desire to see a ban put on GM as soon as possible USA
804 Kristina Smith Jacoba B.Sc agronomist USA
805 Dr. John Soluri Historian of Science Carnegie Mellon U USA
806 Doreen Stabinsky Geneticist International Environmental Politics and Policy California State University at Sacrament USA
807 Irl Stalcup Corporate Training LA County Dept of Parks and Recreation USA
808 Emma Steen Dietician (retired) Portland USA
809 Dr. Jesse Stewart concernment for the application of education and assuring the liberty freedom and unity in life F F H USA
810 Pamela Stimler B.Sc Board Certified Internist USA
811 Prof.em Budalur Thyagarajan Ph.D organic chemistry retired USA
812 Dr. Patricia Patterson Tursi Ph.D My Dissertation concerned Mind Body Interactions I have studied health for 40a years I am a master gardener and former organic farmer SW Missouri Organic Association USA
813 Prof. John Vandermeer Biologist Univ. Michigan Ann Arbor USA
814 Rosa Vazquez Student in Biology Ohio State University USA
815 Susan Vegors Psychologist Consultant Solutech Indianapolis USA
816 Prof. Robert Vernon Heimer Ph.D The study of brain chemistry during psychotic episodes none USA
817 Paul Von Hartmann B.Sc Ecologist biodynamic agriculturist Project P E A C E USA
818 Prof. Kenneth G. Walton Neurochemist Vedic Medicine Maharishi Univ. IA USA
819 Dr. Bruce West Ph.D DC Editor Health Alert Most renowned expert in the use of phytonutrients for cardiac patients with more patients than any living doctor Health Alert Newsletter USA
820 Ryan White Student St Lawrence University USA
821 Paul Whitson M.Sc healthcare administrator USA
822 Dr. George M. Woodwell Director The Woods Hole Research Center USA
823 Dr. Suzanne M. Wuerthele Toxicologist Toxicology & Risk Assessment federal regulatory agency Denver USA
824 Dr. John Zamarra M.D. Cardiology Fullerton USA
825 Dr. M Zamir Ph.D Research Scientist University USA
826 Prof. Miguel Angel Nunez M.Sc 14 years working and researching in Agroecological Scienes in the tropical areas of Latin America IPIAT Venezuela
827 Julio Eduardo Perez Genetics of Marine Organisms Universidad de Oriente Venezuela
828 Taurai Mutanda M.Sc Biotechnologist University of Zimbabwe ZimbabweSource de la liste: i-sis.org.uk
Bravo et merci Benji!! je n’arrivais pas à trouver cette liste des 826 scientifiques…♥♥
Ah vous avez trouvé la liste des signataires, super!!
J’ai discuté dernièrement avec un praticien proche du milieu des labos etc…. et il me disait qu’il y avait beaucoup et de plus en plus de dissidence chez les scientifiques…
Une conscience leur pousserait-elle??
Les choses avancent donc dans le bon sens, même si cette info est soigneusement tue par les médias!!
Combien faudra t-il de signataires pour que ça bouge?
Bientôt le centième singe?
Plus ma signature ça fait 829. Je suis chercheur aussi à pôle emploi.
830 ! Salut, collègue 😉
Salut Maverick.
Je suis régulièrement déconnecté du site, même si ça m’apprend à compter, c’est chiant.
831, ya bien longtemps que je ne cherche plus d’emploi ; …mais je veux bien chercher la merde contre Monsanto !
Ca sent le vent de révolte on dirait bien, les élites de ce monde vont bientôt devoir intervenir, en déclenchant leur WW3, ça devient urgent là !