La beauté de Yellowstone

Tout simplement pour le plaisir des yeux tant c’est beau!!!

Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

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4Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

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1Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

1Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

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14Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

15Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

16Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

17Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

18Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

19Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

20Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

21Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

22Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

23Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

24Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

25Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

26Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

27Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

28Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

29Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

30Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

31Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

32Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

33Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

34Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

35Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

36Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

37Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

38Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

39Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

40Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

41Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

42Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

43Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

44Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

45Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

46Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

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48Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

49Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

50Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

51Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

52Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

53Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

54Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

55Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

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57Beauty of Yellowstone (57 pics)

Source de la galerie: Acidcow

8 Commentaires

  1. L’artiste exprime la beauté de la nature. Merci et belle journée .

  2. C’est à mettre en archive ,car à tout moment ce spectacle peut devenir une immense catastrophe ,si la Louisiane explose ,la faille va détruire une partie de l’Amérique ,nous avons joué ,avec la Nature Dieu ,et la Nature seront les plus fort

  3. Magnifique merci

  4. Magnifique et à la fois meurtrier lorsqu’il se réveillera, l’an prochain, dans cinq dix vingt ou cent ans !!!

  5. Le parc à visiter

  6. Au vue des récentes et faibles secousses à répétitions, espérons que cet aspect de Yellowstone perdure un bon moment.

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